
[:en]Headquarters for Experimentalism [:de]Zentrale für Experimentelles[:]

David Fingers

[:en]David Firth ist ein britischer Video- und Animationskünstler, dessen “Salad Fingers”-Serie Kultstatus erreichte.

How much “sad” is there in “Salad (Fingers)”?

So he is sort of a sad-ist. What about superheroes. There are already some strange ones: The boy from Misfits who has a bizarro affinity to milk, The Really Really Big Man with his disturbing nipple powers from Rocko’s Modern Life, the creepy Syler, your very own Burnt Face Man. Are there any other, even stranger superhero figures you’d like to see come alive? Like, for instance, somebody who can tell if somebody is Asian or not without seeing the person’s face. Or an autist whose isle of genius is solely limited to ultra-sarcasm far beyond intelligence.

Bildquelle: © Daniel Ableev[:de]David Firth ist ein britischer Video- und Animationskünstler, dessen “Salad Fingers”-Serie Kultstatus erreichte.

How much “sad” is there in “Salad (Fingers)”?

So he is sort of a sad-ist. What about superheroes. There are already some strange ones: The boy from Misfits who has a bizarro affinity to milk, The Really Really Big Man with his disturbing nipple powers from Rocko’s Modern Life, the creepy Syler, your very own Burnt Face Man. Are there any other, even stranger superhero figures you’d like to see come alive? Like, for instance, somebody who can tell if somebody is Asian or not without seeing the person’s face. Or an autist whose isle of genius is solely limited to ultra-sarcasm far beyond intelligence.

Bildquelle: © Daniel Ableev[:]

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