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ANNIHILATION (of the qWestions)


A Reviewtf* by d’Ableev

Thy Netflix is taggy with the “mind-bending,” as demonstranged through indily nebulous, that is: Nebula Award-winning Southern Creep trilogym by Jeff VanderMeer, Alex “Machina” Garland’s vaguely spectitious Sunscreen.

When looming over his recommended new video for thy home stems you have to think not only on aesthetically ethurreal masters such as Yuself, but also on Stalker Skin cachaos, providing aforestripped temples of satirical audacity: 16.8×106 colorfully iridescent foams invite 5×100 ghostbusty Jennifer Joker Jeigh, Natalie Mossad and Vergina Roguez to join the latest Nvidia demo, a truly mirroneous Fremart & Garfungi prelude. Fortunately, enigmability is paramount here, which breaks a decent lance for WF and tickles brahmaturgical optimares.

In additions, the propagated intestiscenic hair appears, by beyonding disturbances ex lungo, to somatically sequence and then dance Mr. Eer’s fully rendered balls to the waltz. Thy extraterrestrium is not to be mis-en-scènestood here, but to usurph (or whatever the), as opposed to doing human chimeras, synched with otherworldish titanites, translush lens flare abominations as well as Mutageneva-conventional nonchalanc (cf. Turok).

Thus “Isch don’t think so,” thy most common phrase, gordially invites you to reconsider the eqWation “knowledge = power.”

* Click here for the German version on postmondän.

Image source: © Netflix (transmutato)[:de]

A Reviewtf* by d’Ableev

Thy Netflix is taggy with the “mind-bending,” as demonstranged through indily nebulous, that is: Nebula Award-winning Southern Creep trilogym by Jeff VanderMeer, Alex “Machina” Garland’s vaguely spectitious Sunscreen.

When looming over his recommended new video for thy home stems you have to think not only on aesthetically ethurreal masters such as Yuself, but also on Stalker Skin cachaos, providing aforestripped temples of satirical audacity: 16.8×106 colorfully iridescent foams invite 5×100 ghostbusty Jennifer Joker Jeigh, Natalie Mossad and Vergina Roguez to join the latest Nvidia demo, a truly mirroneous Fremart & Garfungi prelude. Fortunately, enigmability is paramount here, which breaks a decent lance for WF and tickles brahmaturgical optimares.

In additions, the propagated intestiscenic hair appears, by beyonding disturbances ex lungo, to somatically sequence and then dance Mr. Eer’s fully rendered balls to the waltz. Thy extraterrestrium is not to be mis-en-scènestood here, but to usurph (or whatever the), as opposed to doing human chimeras, synched with otherworldish titanites, translush lens flare abominations as well as Mutageneva-conventional nonchalanc (cf. Turok).

Thus “Isch don’t think so,” thy most common phrase, gordially invites you to reconsider the eqWation “knowledge = power.”

* Click here for the German version on postmondän.

Image source: © Netflix (transmutato)[:]

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