
[:en]Headquarters for Experimentalism [:de]Zentrale für Experimentelles[:]

Like Habermas

Like Habermas, Callon and Latour conceiue oif micro-macro relations in
do not conceiue
oJ them in euoLutionary
terms. The process
dlnamic terms , but the-y
tltey haue in mind is not a process in whichforms oJ’social integration
replaced b-y neut .f’orms on the basis of social Learning, but rather a
process lsv
which micro-actors successlully
grow to macro-size.
to consist oJ macro-aclors
Callon and Latour consider the macro-order
other actors’wills into a single uillJor which thel
haue success.f
ulQ ‘transLated’
speak. This enrolment of other actors allows them to act like a single
will which
powerJul because
is , howeuer, extremely
oJ’ theforces on which it can rely. How do
si3s like that oJ’big multinational corpor-
micro-aclors grow to suchformidable
human actors are able to rell
ations? Callon and Latour say tltat unlike baboons,
not only on slmbolic relations, but also 0n more ‘durable’materials,for
prouide examples. It is this difJèrence
which alLous the human sociegt to
produce macro-actors
and whichforces the baboon society to enact aLl its relations
on a nicro-leuel oJ slmbolic practice.


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